You are here: Conferences Conferences BY Partner the 13th annual meeting of science and technology in society forum 2016

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the 13th annual meeting of science and technology in society forum 2016

Organized By American Associates of STS Forum
Country Japan
MOU title


Fileds The Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum aims to provide a new mechanism for open discussions on an informal basis, and to build a human network that would, in time, resolve the new types of problems stemming from the application of science and technology. The forum community will also explore the opportunities arising from science and technology, and address how to remove the barriers to using science and technology to solve the problems facing humankind.
From 01-10-2016
To 04-10-2016
Attendees Prof. Bahaa ElDin Adly- Chemistry Dep. Faculty of Science BU
Documents EXT_Program_2016_ver20160905.pdf

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